
Alessandro Loppini short CV

Assistant Professor in Applied Physics.

Research: His research activity focuses on the mathematical modeling of biological processes and cells physiopathology, with particular regards to excitable cells and media, such as pancreatic β-cells, neurons and heart tissue. Main research objectives are related to the identification of key molecular mechanisms at the basis of insulin release, information flow within neuronal networks and of arrhythmias and fibrillation development in heart. Also, he is interested in complex network theory and its application to biological systems, numerical computing applied to the resolution of ODE and PDE systems, parallel computing, and statistical analyses applied to biological and medical data.

Expert in Biophysics, Mathematical modeling, Computational Biology


Author of 2 book chapters and 18 publications on peer reviewed international journals (88 citations, h-index=6, Scopus) 

Scopus profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56242317500

Extended CV