HPC Grants

Main International and National Computational Grants

  • ExCited states of metaL oxynItrides for PhotocatalySIS (ECLIPSIS), 2019-2020, PI L. Chiodo, PRACE Project Access-18th
  • study of mANy body exCItations in dEfective titaNium dioxide maTeRials by ab-initiO Methods (ANCIENT_ROME), 2019-2020, PI C. Cardoso, PRACE Project Access-19th
  • Botulinium Neuro Toxins structure-function-dynamics: a computational study, 2019-2020, PI T. Malliavin, DARI-CINES-GENCI (Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif), France
  • towards realistic NANOsized TiO2 particles: ELectronic and OPtical properties Many Body study (NanoElOp), 2018-19, PI L. Chiodo, ISCRA-CINECA (National HPC Italian Center)
  • Study of covEred and functioNalized TiO2 nanostrucTures: the role Of maNy-bodY (SENT_TO_NY), 2018-2019, PI I. Marri, PRACE Project Access-17th
  • Molecular dynamics study of ion permeation in wild-type and mutants of the human α7 nicotinic receptor (MDNICO), 2017-2018, PI G. Cottone, PRACE Distributed European Computing Initiative DECI-14
  • Study of optoelecTRonic propErties of titanium dioxide nanosystEms in The frame OF the maNy body perturbation theorY (STREET-OF-NY), 2017-2018, PI I. Marri, PRACE Project Access-14th
  • A full atomistic computational study of the active and inactive states of the human α7 nicotinic receptor, 2016-2017, PI G. Cottone, ICHEC – Irish Centre for High-End Computing, Ireland